
Zgodnie z informacją, jaką otrzymaliśmy, operacja ściągania Polonusa ma się odbyć  31 grudnia.
Ma się rozpocząć o godz. 7 rano.


W dniu dzisiejszym Ministerstwo Obrony Argentyny opublikowało informację o zdarzeniu.
Poniżej tekst angielski jaki otrzymaliśmy via Dublin.


Press Release was issued by the Ministry of Defense today in Buenos relating to the rescue of the crew of Polonus 
Dirección de Comunicación Social
Ministerio de Defensa
República Argentina
Azopardo 250 C.P. C1107ADB
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tel: 011 4346-8836 al 39
Buenos Aires, December 29, 2014:

Argentina Navy vessel rescued 6 crew of a Polish sailing ship in Antarctica
The Ministry of Defence, which leads Agustín Rossi, reports that aided Armada Argentina last December 23 Polish sailing ship „Polonus” Anca stranded in Caleta de Leon Bay May 25, with six crew aboard that nationality.

The Notice ARA „Warrant Officer Castillo” (which was on duty as ship Antarctic Survey), enlisted and sailed immediately once the network component of the SAR system activated through the Search and Rescue Coordinator Center Ushuaia.

With winds of 40 knots, drifting ice and reduced visibility, the notice came to rescue area in the shortest time possible. During the transfer the Zodiac boats and their crews with anti-exposure suits, rescue equipment enlisted, and prepared to board medical team to provide immediate assistance to disaster victims and operations team in satellite link with the mainland.

The Polish sailing ship was stranded on the rocks above the port side. He proceeded to move its six crew and their belongings. Once aboard the Argentine ship underwent a medical checkup principle of hypothermia observed although the general condition was good.

In coordination with the mainland, the Chilean base Fildes and Polish base Arctowski, the „SUBOFICIAL CASTILLO” Lasserre Bay sailed through Sea Fleet until near the Polish base. There he proceeded to the landing of men and their belongings. Combined Naval Antarctic Patrol. They are currently heading for the Antarctic Combined Naval Patrol, to safeguard human life at sea and oil spill control, notice ARA „SUBOFICIAL CASTILLO” the Argentina Navy and the ATF „GALVARINO” of the Chilean Navy .They continue patrolling the area between the meridians 10 ° W and 131 ° W and south of latitude 60 ° S until March 15, when after the summer season.
zdjęcia: prensa.argentina.ar

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